What you needed to know about golf

Sunday, February 22, 2009 11:53
Posted in category Uncategorized

I love golf and always try to find time to play the game whenever possible. The rules of the game of golf are really simple if you already know them, even for TEFL teachers, however explaining them could take me quite a while. If you’re not familiar with the basics, the first thing you would need to know would be the main purpose of this game… you have to strike the ball at the tee into the hole for every section in the course’s 18 sectors (known as 18 holes). The hole is located on the green, which is an area of short, well-maintained grass. Once you are on the green, you need to use your putter, which is the club that has a slab-like end, as a replacement for your other clubs. Still not sure? All your questions can be answered at the Golfurlaub

Golf Reisen golf holidays

Every hole has a specific intended number of shots to be made from the tee to the hole. Take a look at Golf Reisen golf holidays to imagine some of the courses you could be playing. This number of shots is known as the par. For example, if you were on a par 5 hole, you would have to get the ball from the tee to the hole in five shots or less. If you were able to do it with precisely the number of shots specified, then your score would be a par. If you did it in one less than the par, your score would be a birdie. If you did it in two less than the par, your score would be an eagle. Three below par would be called an albatross and the best score would be a hole in one, which happens if you were able to get the ball from the tee to the hole in one hit. On the other hand, if you scored one more than the par then that would be a bogey. Two more than the par would be a double bogey. If you have tried for more that 12 shots, then you forfeit the hole. You would then have to move to the next hole. As you progress through the game, there are various perils that you would have to deal with. If your ball lands in the rough… an area on the course that has long grass, you could find it difficult to move on from that area. There could also be trees on the rough of some courses, which could make them harder to get out of. The worst hazards would be the lakes, because if you hit the ball into one it costs you the shot you took and another shot as a penalty, which of course makes it harder to reach par.

Once you start getting good you’ll probably be looking to go on a golf vacation. Golfreisen is the premier German website for golf holidays, offering absolutely everything to do with golf including a golf shop, golf news and also golf vacations.

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