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Malta: English the language of opportunity


Malta: Students aged between 17 and 19 will be benefitting from an international public-speaking programme, with far-reaching aims, as the first concrete step of the English-Speaking Union’s establishment in Malta. English-Speaking Union director-general Valerie Mitchell has met head teachers and education officers and was impressed by the positive feedback, convinced that schools across the [...]

ESU aims to improve state of English language in Malta


Malta: The first steps toward improving the state of written and spoken English in Malta were taken with the official launch of the steering committee that will lead the way for a local branch of the English Speaking Union. Education Minister Dolores Cristina yesterday launched the steering committee, chaired by Professor Martin Scicluna, at [...]

Malta: IELS celebrates 25th anniversary


The Institute of English Language Studies (IELS) will celebrate its 25th anniversary in January. IELS, formerly part of LAL Group, has developed into an international English language teaching operation with an excellent reputation. The institute currently teaches around 10,000 students every year.

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Malta claims to be taming its carousing students


Images of drunken language students running amok on Malta’s streets and having sex on the beach made headlines last summer, while locals protested loudly against the chaos caused by the young foreigners.

This year a shake-up of English language tourism packages seems to be having the desired effect as schools and local authorities seek [...]

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