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Germany: Merkel says German multicultural society has failed


Germany: Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have “utterly failed,” Chancellor Angela Merkel says. Notes the BBC, Merkel has claimed the so-called “multikulti” concept – where people would “live side-by-side” happily – did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate – including learning German.

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Germany: No foreign language… No job!


In Germany it seems that, increasingly, many small and midsize businesses are certain: English is a must. Eleven percent of 1,000 small and midsize businesses surveyed by the EU Commission stated that they had lost orders because of inadequate foreign-language skills; 26% of those businesses specified English and 13% mentioned German as the most [...]

German troupe brings English plays to Japan schools


Germany and Japan: Yomiuri notes how ‘The White Horse Theatre’, a theatrical troupe based in Germany but specialising in English-language theater for students, will make its third tour of Japan this autumn.

Established in 1986 by British playwright and drama teacher Peter Griffith, Europe’s biggest educational touring theater performs annually for 40,000 people [...]

Germany to consider scrapping English lessons


Germany: The country is among many in the world which adopted the mantra of ‘the earlier the better’ when it came to teaching pupils English, notes the Telegraph. However, research by the Catholic University of Eichstaett has thrown the educational authorities into confusion. An unpublished study of schoolteachers shows that 95 per cent of [...]

The German Online Casino Experience

Tweet is the premier online German language casino experience. At, you have access to the whole array of online gambling games, including all of the favourites such as baccarat, blackjack, craps, keno, poker and of course the slots, not to mention video poker.

The problem with many such websites is that they [...]

Germany and Sweden: How Good Is the English Written by Swedish Advanced Learners?


Monika Mondor describes what is characteristic for the written English of advanced learners and examines how students of English at university level use phrasal verbs in written English. Mondor’s study reveals three principal differences between Swedish learners and native speakers.

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