
TEFL News Search

World: 7 Tips to being a TESOL teacher



The great thing of being a TESOL teacher, notes Rida Afrilyasanti, is to know and explore other countries, recognize and experience different cultures and people while still earning money.

This path of career, suggests the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) website, really offers you unique rewards and challenges. Thus, to make you ready [...]

Russia: Kicked out of school?


Moscow’s City Duma has suggested an amendment to a new law that would require all teachers to apply for work permits… in addition to the work visas which currently allow them to teach here. Also, according to the amendment’s author, Tatyana Potyayeva, the deputy head of the City Duma’s Science and Education committee, the [...]

Successes and Challenges in Meeting the Needs of Young Learners


The TESOL Online Discussions on Key Issues in ELT series is currently raising the issue of ‘Successes and Challenges in Meeting the Needs of Young Learners’. The rapid growth of English language learning worldwide has created opportunities as well as serious challenges regarding language policy, teacher training, and lack of resources in effectively meeting [...]

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