May 13th, 2008

Academic Management SIG: Dublin

Academic Management: Establishing and sustaining a learning culture
Dublin, May 23-25, 2008

Yes folks, those weird and wonderful folks at IATEFL have gone and done it again. This time the ‘special interestconference aims to provide a forum for exploring how to establish excellent academic management skills and systems. It also aims to stimulate discussion and reflection on what factors go towards establishing and sustaining a learning culture in the language teaching organisation.

Management SIG

The featured speakers at this event of a lifetime will be Liam Brown, Jenny Johnson, Tony Humphreys and George Pickering, who will be enlightening the guests with themes such as ‘Leading and managing teams’, ‘Motivating teachers’ and ‘Appraisals, observations, feedback’. The conference is in Dublin, so if all else fails, go and get drunk on Guinness.

Further details on this TEFL management orgy can be downloaded from the website.

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