Posts Tagged ‘Women’s Leadership Program’

Women in Leadership at George Washington University

When it comes to promoting the importance of women in the field of leadership, the Elizabeth J Somers Women’s Leadership Program (WLP) truly delivers. The program forms a key role in the academic opportunities offer by George Washington University. It is a freshmen level, residential, year-long, academic program and remains true to the legacy of Elizabeth J Somers through the exploration of issues relative to women’s leadership while also meeting some of George Washington University’s general curriculum requirements, school requirements and prerequisite courses for many its majors.

Students participating in the leadership program are required to take two courses and a symposium together each term, and live together in a hall of residence community at the Mount Vernon campus. As an integral part of their courses and program activities, students are able to experience the economic, political and cultural resources of Washington.

So, what exactly is the WLP program?

It is an intellectual program designed around four diverse areas of study, namely; arts and culture, development (economics), politics, and science. Each field of study operates as an adjunct to appropriate humanities and writing courses. The role of the WLP seminar has been designed to provide knowledge about, and experience in, leadership as relates to women and it is these seminars that makes the WLP more than a mere set of individual courses. In addition to the seminars, the program also offers guest speakers, field trips and other special events that bring the students into contact with women of achievement and leadership from many facets of life.

How long is the program?

The leadership program is a year-long program with students enrolling in classes and participating in the seminars in each semester. Fall term is dedicated to the various theories and components of leadership, while Spring term offers many ‘hands-on’ activities.

The Mount Vernon Campus

WLP students are required to reside at the Mount Vernon Campus which consists of elegant academic buildings, libraries, sports fields and various other support facilities necessary for the great university experience. As mentioned, the leadership program is intended for 1st year freshman students.

The course currently offers the following cohorts, more details of which can be found on the easy to navigate, user-friendly and information packed WLP website:

- Globalization, Economics and Business
- Women in Science, Health, and Medicine
- U.S. and International Politics

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