How to Become a TEFL Teacher

By David Stevens

Are you thinking of moving into a new career? What about becoming a TEFL teacher? As a TEFL English teacher you can find jobs all over the world. You can even move around the world from job to job!

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Are you considering taking a year off from your studies? Are you eager to see the world? Perhaps university life has got you burned out or maybe you still haven’t decided what to study. Taking a gap year off from school to travel and do a little soul searching isn’t just a break from the books. It can be a wise investment in your future.

Why Teach English as a Foreign Language? It’s the most affordable way to travel abroad. International work experience looks great on your resume. There is no better way to truly experience another culture. Your educational and career goals will become clearer.

A good TEFL teacher is an important factor when students are learning English as a second language or as a foreign language. As a general consensus, students say that great teachers are those that remember what it was like to be a student and treat students as equals.

When you teach English as a foreign language, you must strike up a relationship with each and every student ensuring that you encourage the quieter ones as well as the more confident ones while also ensuring you maintain a good balance between entertainment and discipline.

It is also well documented that to be a good TEFL teacher, you have to be patient and appreciate that everybody will make mistakes. Being a teacher is one of the most rewarding jobs available, especially when you take into account that because you teach English as a foreign language, you will be helping your students to progress and communicate abroad and there is nothing more rewarding than helping others.

Unlike traditional study or volunteer abroad programs, teaching English overseas is paid employment. You won’t have to take out another loan for this adventure and because your job is important to the community, you will have a unique chance to become integrated into the culture like no traditional student ever could. You won’t just study and read about the culture, you will live it through experiencing the food, art, music, politics and day-to-day life of the place you choose to teach in. You will meet fascinating people, gain second language skills and develop valuable teaching tools that you can use for the rest of your life.

Taking a year off during college or after graduation to work overseas will open doors for you. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, graduate schools and employers are looking for those with international experience and foreign language skills. Working overseas will distinguish you from your classmates. You will be culturally savvy, skilled in working with people from different backgrounds, and full of unique ideas that come from a global perspective.

Taking a gap year away from university to work and travel abroad is a wise investment in yourself and your future. Great universities and employers know that working abroad provides leadership skills in a world that is increasingly globally interconnected.

Today’s businesses are seeking those who are independent, culturally savvy and well rounded. Many of your classmates will take a gap year to study or backpack abroad, but living and working in a foreign country proves that you are confident enough to take substantial risks, that you are serious about your future and open to challenging new experiences. Employers will recognize that you are skilled in working with people from different backgrounds, familiar with another language and full of unique ideas that come from a global perspective.

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One Response to “How to Become a TEFL Teacher”

  1. Cathy Says:

    It is so cool! I am trying to do that

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