April 2nd, 2008

English Tactics in the Czech Republic

Imagine walking into a workshop on teaching tactics for English-language learners and being greeted by the keynote speaker in Japanese. This is what a group of primary-school teachers can look forward to next month during an all-day event being held at a Žižkov hotel. Not only does Steve Watts plan to greet attendees in Japanese, he intends to conduct the first part of his presentation entirely in the Asian language, the bugger. This might seems a little strange given the fact that Watts, a British national, is considered an expert in the field of English-language teaching methods. Watts doesn’t intend on leaving his audience in the dark for the whole afternoon; just long enough to remind teachers what it feels like to learn a second language.Reminding language teachers what it’s like to learn a language, eh…

Read the full article here.

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