How to introduce an English Textbook to your Students

1. Introduction

“Tell me and I forget,

Teach me and I may remember,

Involve me and I learn. “

-Benjamin Franklin

Textbook is one of the main instruments of educating and preparing students for the examinations. On the first or second day of class, teachers often engage students in some kind of get-to-know each other game or activity. Classmates might interview each other and then introduce their partner to the rest of the class. Maybe students will write two true statements and one false statement about themselves. Their classmates will have to guess which statement is false. During the semester, these students will be sitting side-by-side, working together in groups, and struggling together on assignments and tests. They will see each other day in and day out. Most teachers realize that it makes sense to help students to get to know each other and to build a sense of rapport from the beginning of the semester. But day in and day out, both in class and out, the students will have another inseparable companion—their textbook. Unfortunately, many teachers neglect to introduce their students to their textbook. The only introduction the students may get is, “Open your textbook to the first chapter. We’re going to begin with the first reading.” The students dutifully open their textbooks and jump in. For the rest of the semester, they open their texts to whatever page the teacher assigns them. In these cases, the textbook too often remains a teacher’s tool. Instead, the students need to build a friendly relationship of their own with their textbook. Whereas they may have access to their teacher only during class time and during his or her office hours, the textbook is always available to the students. To maximize independent learning, the students need to know what their textbook is for and how to retrieve information from it. Teachers need to provide students with this information. It is also likely that a textbook will outlast its relevance because of changes in the language policy of the community for which it was written.

2. Explanation about Choosing the Textbook

Any textbook should be used judiciously, since it cannot cater equally to the requirements of every classroom setting. The first thing you should do to introduce the textbook to the students is to explain why you chose this textbook for the class. Point out what you like about the textbook. You can tell the students something about the author and his or her reputation in the field. Maybe you feel that it is just the right level—the content is accessible, but challenging. Maybe you like the way that the information presented later in the textbook builds on information in the earlier chapters. Let the students know that you have a good relationship with the textbook, so that they will feel positive about developing their own relationship with it. Show your excitement! If you did not choose the textbook for the course, you can still explain why this textbook is good for the course. What needs or weaknesses of the students does it address? Where does it start with the students and where will it take them by the end of the semester? If you have more than one textbook for the course, make sure you introduce the students to all of the textbooks.

3. Guidelines for Using the Textbook

The teacher should provide appropriate guidance for the teacher of English who is not a native speaker of English. The untrained, or partially trained, teacher who does not possess native-like control over all aspects of English should not be left in any doubt concerning the procedures proposed by the textbook. Otherwise, he or she may, for example, teach only the meanings of the minimal pair ‘live/leave’, completely ignoring the writer’s intention that these items should be used for pronunciation practice. The next step is letting the students know how you plan to use the textbook during the course. Maybe you will work your way through the entire book. Maybe you will only have time to cover the first half of the book. If this is the case, and if the students are familiar with the book, they will be able to access the remainder of the book if they so choose after the course has finished. If you have more than one textbook for a course, or if you plan to supplement the textbook with other materials, it is important to address how you will do this. What benefits does one text bring? How do the other text and other materials either build on these benefits or address other needs not covered by the first text?

4. Informing the Organization of the Textbook

Finally, you must orient the students to the organization of the textbook. If you “dive” into activities in the textbook without first helping students to understand the textbook’s organization, the students have difficulty grasping the context and even purpose of the activities. In other words, they lose sight of the proverbial forest for the trees. It rarely occurs to them to take time on their own to sort out the organization of the textbook. After spending several weeks or months using the text, some students may deduce the plan of organization, but this becomes even more difficult if the teacher skips around in the text. The author designed the textbook with a certain idea in mind. You should help students discover this idea. To engage students actively in the learning process, I always find it best to give them a page of questions to answer about the book. Simply explaining the book’s organization to the students defeats the purpose of the students developing their own relationship with the textbook. If you tell them the plan of organization of the book, you remain the intermediary in the relationship. Step back, and let the students interact with their books. I do this during the first week of class after I am sure that all or almost all of the students have purchased their textbooks.  I put the students in pairs or groups of three, and these are the questions that I give to them. I think of it as an “interview with the book” much like they might interview a classmate at the start of the semester. These questions are for English for Today for Classes 11-12 written by National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB).

Getting Acquainted with Your Textbook
Part 1: Answer these questions about your textbook.

  1. What is the name of your textbook?
  2. When was your textbook published?
  3. How many pages does your textbook have? (Don’t count the “Text Credit” pages or the “Task Index” pages.)
  4. How many units are in your textbook?
  5. What are the names of each of the units?
  6. How many chapters are in each unit?
  7. What is the first activity in each unit?
  8. How many readings are in each chapter?
  9. Does each reading have a title?
  10. Does each reading have a picture?
  11. What activity comes before each reading?
  12. What are two kinds of activities that come after the readings?

Part 2: Turn to p. xix, “To the Student.” This is a message the authors have written to you. Scan this message and answer the following questions.

  1. Where have the readings in this book been taken from?
  2. How are texts from college textbooks different than other kinds of texts?
  3. Where do the topics in this book come from?

Part 3:

  1. .Give introductory guidance on the presentation of language items and skills (GENERAL).
  2.  Suggest aids for the teaching of pronunciation: e.g. phonetic system (SPEECH).
  3.  Offer meaningful situations and a variety of techniques for teaching structural units (GRAMMAR).
  4. Distinguish the different purposes and skills involved in the teaching of vocabulary (VOCABULARY).
  5. Provide guidance on the initial presentation of passages for reading comprehension (READING).
  6. Demonstrate the various devices for controlling and guiding content and expression in composition exercises (WRITING).
  7. Contain appropriate pictures, diagrams, tables, etc. (TECHNICAL).

After the students have answered all of the questions, we go over the answers together. At this point, I ask some critical thinking questions such as, “Why do you think the readings have pictures?” or “Why does the textbook include pre-reading activities?” While the questions on the handout lead the students to discover the organization of the textbook, these oral questions lead them to discover the rationale behind this organization. Since we cover only three or four units per semester, I also take this opportunity to hone in on those units. For example, I ask the students if they understand the names of the units that we are covering, and I ask them to predict some of the content we might encounter.

5. Benefits of Introducing the Textbook

Explaining to students why you chose the textbook, letting them know how you plan to use the textbook, and giving them an activity to get acquainted with their textbook will take a small amount of class time, but the rewards for both you and the students are great. First of all, I have found that students interact with materials in a much more positive way when they understand why you have chosen them and what benefits they will bring. As teachers and curriculum developers, we have a vision of what we are trying to accomplish, and we have broken down the steps for getting the students where they need to go. However, if we don’t share this with the students, and if the students are faced with activities and assignments without understanding how they fit into the larger goals, students can become impatient and discouraged. Moreover, orienting students to the organization of the textbook helps the class run more efficiently during the semester because the students will know how to find and retrieve information from the text. Moreover, this empowers the students to use the textbook on their own, both outside of class and after the semester ends. Finally, textbooks will be students’ constant companions throughout their academic careers. Helping them understand how to use and relate to a textbook gives them a skill that any successful student needs.

6. Conclusions

The teacher takes over where the textbook leaves off, and he or she must be able to assess its strengths and weaknesses. English language teachers need to be acquainted with the principles of textbook evaluation. They can be given practice in analysing textbooks in order to find out whether the organization of materials is consistent with the objectives of a given English language curriculum. When trainee teachers examine the selection of items of speech, grammar, and vocabulary in a textbook, and evaluate the way it presents reading and writing activities, they are at the same time improving their competence in the language and honing their skills as teachers. The textbook is a tool, and the teacher must know not only how to use it, but how useful it can be. Finding out will involve distinguishing between method in the use of printed materials, and method in face-to-face teaching. It will involve using discretion in adapting textual materials to the needs and interests of pupils, choosing only those materials and methods which are based on sound linguistic and pedagogical principles. The textbook will continue to play an important role, but it will not be a tyrant.


About the Author:

M. Enamul Hoque has been an English language teacher for over 15 years in different Government institutes in Bangladesh. He is an Instructor of ELT in the Education and Training Wing, Ministry of Environment and Forest. He has MA in English from Dhaka University, and M.Phil. in Applied Linguistics and ELT from the Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka. His Ph.D. is also in ELT & Testing.  He has published widely on a variety of topics and is particularly interested in English language teaching and applied linguistics.



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What a TESOL certificate can do for your career

TESOL is interpreted in many ways. For some, it refers to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. To others, it is Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), or Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). In the UK, it is also known as English Language Teaching (ELT). The terms may differ a bit, but a TESOL certificate is basically a teacher’s training certificate to teach English.

These days, a TESOL certificate is very much coveted because a person who has completed this certification is officially qualified to teach English anywhere in the world. So, a TESOL certificate is something of a global certification that allows any person from any country to go to any other part of the world to teach English. This makes it one of the best qualifications for a person who has the travel bug, or wishes to stay in a country of their choice for many years. The salary is comfortable and the demand is overwhelming.

The reason why there is a sudden global demand for quality English speaking, writing and communication skills is obvious. With the explosion of the Internet as a global marketplace and employment agency, people in remote areas of the world need to communicate effectively. Thus, the need for a global language is only natural. And what better language than one that is already being spoken by a good number of people all over the world? However, unlike casual communication, most people are looking for serious English language handling skills. Prospective employers, customers, employees all felt the necessity. This led to the English language becoming a commodity of great value in the national and overseas market. With the demand for quality English rising, the demand for qualified English teachers also rose.

A TESOL certificate enables you to teach English as a foreign language. TESOL offers fabulous job opportunities anywhere in the world. So teachers who hold the TESOL certificate are spoilt for choice when it comes to the location and the variety of job. These teachers could be placed in colleges, schools, universities, kindergartens, companies, businesses, hospitals, tourism or private tutoring.

When it comes to taking TESOL classes, students have two options: classroom courses or online courses.

When it comes to taking TESOL classes, students have two options: classroom courses or online courses. If the fact be told, both these options have their own advantages and disadvantages. A classroom course is particularly useful because a teacher can critique your presentation skills and guide you wherever necessary. However, many people cannot afford the high fee associated with in-class courses. Also, many people cannot make it to the locations. Therefore, online courses are preferred by a good majority of students. In that case, the fee is comparatively low but there is no compromise on the quality of the material. Many reputed coaching centers even offer guidance in resume preparation and placement of candidates after the course.

About the Author:

Adolph Paul represents International TESOL Teacher Training, which offers the tesol certificate for teaching English.

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Custom Essays – Cheating or Study Aids?

What is a custom essay?

A custom essay is a paper written by a ‘ghostwriter’ – i.e. a professional writer who is paid to write books, articles, stories, reports, or other content but who does not receive any credit for it. The essay is ‘custom’ because it is written to the student’s exact essay question. A custom essay may be distinguished from a pre-written essay obtained from an ‘essay bank’ or ‘paper mill’. These types of essays are past essays donated by students, either in exchange for part of the sale proceeds or in exchange for access to other pre-written essays. They will be essays written in answer to a particular topic and therefore not ‘custom’ to the student’s essay question.

Where did custom essays come from?

Getting another student to write your paper for you is one of the oldest ‘cheats’ in the book – this might have been in exchange for cash, or if the student was weak, as a result of threats. This underground business was formalised in 2003 when Barclay Littlewood founded ‘Academic Answers Limited’, a registered UK company that trades under various names including UK Essays, Law Essays, Law Teacher and Degree Essays. The Company sought to clean up the industry by giving the custom essay customer, who would be used to dealing with dodgy companies often based in poorer, non-English speaking countries, a legitimate and worthy customer service experience. The Company attracted much criticism as ‘encouraging cheating’ and spawned many ‘copycat’ services.

How do custom essay services work?

The customer orders their essay usually through an essay company’s website. The Company sends out the order to their team of writers and those writers who can complete the project will put themselves forward to do the work. The Company usually seeks payment from the customer at this point. When the customer pays, the Company picks the writer they think is best suited to the project and tells them to start. The customised essay is delivered on the day the customer has agreed with the Company.

Is it cheating to use a custom essay service?

Arguably, to use the service alone is not cheating. Take, for example, a lecturer who sets a nice easy essay question: ‘Who was John F Kennedy?’. Most students will use Google to search for initial information on this topic and they will find some 7.6 million answers to their question. The process of reading through these answers is not cheating. However – if the student takes one of the answers and hands it in, passing it off as their own work, then without doubt, they are cheating. In fact, there are many more subtle ways they could use their material to cheat – rewording a website they found, rearranging words, citing the source but relying too heavily on the material – and so on. But they could also use the material as a guide and write their own, original answer to the question set. In the same way, a student who orders a custom essay can use the essay as a guide and can write their own original answer to the question that has been set for them. They can even do their own research.

How can a student benefit from a custom essay?

Universities are often cited in the press as saying that when a student orders a custom essay, they are being lazy – all the work is done for them. However, our earlier example of using Google or using a Question and Answer book – or even a model answer provided by the tutor themselves – shows that there are times during the research process when the student will come across what they think is the right answer. However, this does not mean they have to copy the answer word for word, neither does it mean that what they have found is the only answer and they should stop researching. If a student takes a custom essay and uses the sources to ‘read up’ on a subject, and to help them generate more sources and a greater understanding, then the custom essay is just a stepping-stone on the road to something greater. It is an example – a template, if you like – for students to see how the question could be dealt with – but after doing their own research, the student could well think that there are far better ways of dealing with the question!

When is using a custom essay service cheating?

The problem that is often publicised by the Press is that not all students who use custom essay services will use the service honestly. Some will hand in the essay that has been written for them, without doing any work themselves. When custom essays are viewed in this context, they help students to cheat and they reduce the value of a university education. Honest students, who do their own research and writing, are angry to know that their counterparts have completed the same degree, gained a better mark than them – and not lifted a finger for themselves.

But hang on .. degrees aren’t all about essays!

True. Even the most dishonest student HAS to do some work. Why? Because degrees usually involve at least: (a) Some practical assessments; and (b) An exam – or more often, several exams. So for the great majority of degrees, it’s not possible to cheat your way through university, even with the help of the best custom essay company. However – let’s say that in weighting your degree, your coursework element is worth 50% and indeed, the custom essays you receive and submit get you full marks. Your exam is worth 50% and you need a 40% grade to pass. This means you can get away with writing 2.2 standard answers in your exam and still gain a 2.1 degree, or writing 2.1 answers in your exam and still gain a 1st degree. This doesn’t work in every case though – the Open University for example, grade your course based on your exam and your coursework. If you only gain a 2.1 in your coursework then you can only get a 2.1 for that module, even if you get 100% in the exam. Even in that case, you could use custom essays to significantly reduce your workload. You could, for example, submit them all as coursework and have a lot more time to revise for the exam as a result. So understandably, there is a great deal of concern from Universities and from the Press about how these tools can be misused.

If they are open to misuse, why are custom essays still legal?

Custom essays are 100% legal, just as model answers that teachers hand out are 100% legal. Question and Answer books such as those produced by Blackstones are also 100% legal and sometimes, the questions in those are very, very close to the questions set for essays and for exams. The idea of these resources is that they are used as guides – they are not to be copied verbatim with no other research done. There are many things that are open to misuse that are still legal. Alcohol can be abused to the point of death but it also can be enjoyed sensibly, and so it is not a banned substance. Many over-the-counter drugs are potentially lethal if taken in large doses, but they also can cure the symptom of headaches, stomachaches and so forth – so they are not banned. Knives can kill, but they are also useful for chopping food. All these things have a use – as do custom essays. However, because the custom essay industry arose from a shady background, unlike alcohol, over-the-counter drugs and knives, people are not educated properly in their use and they do use them to cheat. This problem is further accelerated by the fact that a huge number of essay companies are happy to let their customers hand in the work and don’t offer any guidance on how it should be used. In addition, because the work is custom, it is difficult for teachers to detect that the student is cheating.

How could universities stamp out this kind of cheating?

Universities have already developed several strategies to combat this type of academic fraud. Some professors require students to submit electronic versions of their term papers, so that the text of the essay can be compared against databases of essays that are known to be plagiarised, ‘essay mill’ term papers. Although the student is ordering a ‘custom essay’ and expects it to be 100% original, in fact, many companies just rehash internet content and previously submitted work so what the customer receives is nothing like original – and so they get caught cheating when they hand it in. Other universities allow lecturers to give students oral examinations on papers which a lecturer believes the student did not write; if the student is unfamiliar with the content of an essay that they have submitted, then the student can be charged with academic fraud. Most lecturers know their students’ work well and will quickly spot if a student has changed style.

If custom essay companies agreed to submit all of their papers to the universities to scan, then students could not hand in the work as they would be quickly detected.

Should custom essay companies be banned?

Universities would certainly like to solve the problem by banning custom essay companies. However, the likely effect of this is that the service would just go ‘underground’ as it was prior to 2003. There are other ways that the problem could be dealt with. For example, if custom essay companies agreed to submit all of their papers to the universities to scan, then students could not hand in the work as they would be quickly detected. Barclay Littlewood of Academic Answers Limited has offered in the press to discuss this possibility with the relevant authorities, on the understanding that those authorities stop banning the use of his company, but to date, the prospect of working with the Company has not been entertained.

To use .. or not to use?

That is the question! The answer is a matter for your own judgment – if you plan on using a custom essay service to cheat, then it is likely you’ll be caught. The fact that the essay is 100% original is no safeguard for your lecturer’s sharp eye and if you’ve not done your research, you could be caught out when asked difficult questions about the content or the sources you’ve read. If you’re planning on using the custom essay properly, it’s a fantastic piece of research to use as a starting point for your own work. Don’t forget, however, that there are many dishonest websites out there – make sure you know where they’re based and ensure they are 100% legitimate, or you’ll end up paying a lot for something you could have found on Google for free.


About the Author:

Jennifer is a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, holding the LL.B with first class honours and having over six years of experience as a lawyer in private practice. She now works for a private company in the Midlands and, in her spare time, writes for various websites. On this topic, she recommends Essay Cheat and, two sites devoted to the topic of essays and cheating in the context of university education.



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Easy to use citation formatting tool

Cite This For Me makes it easy to format your references and makes your bibliography look great.

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Warning: Freezer gone bad

You were warned!

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Are you ready to answer these typical interview questions before your next TEFL interview?

It goes without question that the best way to plan for a job interview is to gain knowledge about the different styles of interview questions that are commonly asked in interviews worldwide.

You mean I can simply learn and prepare for these questions ahead of time?

Yes, and here’s why. Generally, global companies share the same interview technique ideas all around the world. If it works in one country, it usually works in others. These questions then filter their way down to smaller companies as HR people leave the big companies and go to work for other companies. This is perfect for us. Over time, this has made a predictable pool of questions. Even though the question is probably not worded the same all of the time, the objective behind the question is exactly the same.

Listed here are the top 4 typical interview questions you’ll probably come across in an interview. I have provided a quick question analysis and some answering tips.

1. So, tell me a bit about yourself?

While it’s tempting, this is not an invitation to tell your life story. The interviewer is trying to understand your personality and if you can solve their problems. It’ best not to answer with what school you went to.

Don’t make up the information you talk about. It’s so easy to check out people’s claims.

Answering Tips:

  • Don’t make up the information you talk about. It’s so easy to check out people’s claims.
  • Rehearse your answer with friends and family.
  • Keep your answer brief.
  • Make an effort to give as much information in as possible in the short time possible.
  • Eliminate irrelevant and unnecessary information like how you spent your years as a child.

2. Describe your biggest strengths?

The most effective way to get ready for this question is to review the job description carefully. Now, if you can , make everything in the job description your strength. If there is something required for the job you are very weak at, question if the job is right for you. it’s better to be honest now, than get found out later.

Answering Tips:

  • Create a listing of your strong points in order to learn and apply them.
  • You should carefully review the recruitment requirements so you can line up your strengths with the requirements.
  • Provide evidence for your skills through the use of references or records.
  • Consider communication skills, ability to adapt to change and the ability to solve problems.

3. Why did you leave your last job?

This question is about transforming a negative into a positive. If you were let go due to company downsizing be truthful, it’s completely understandable. The answer to this question you must always be positive. You wont win any friends by answering “I left because I hated my job”!

Answering Tips:

  • Tell the truth but in a positive way. If you were let go be honest, and say that you really enjoyed what you did and love to continue with a new sense of purpose.
  • You have to be careful when saying you weren’t being challenged. Why? Because most managers would not like a member of staff who’s always looking for work. Make it constructive, mention your self motivated.

4. What are your career goals?

Again research is the key, simply line up the goals of company and the job with your answer. Be sure that every goal includes a tangible benefit to the hiring company.

Make sure all goals are suitable to the job you are currently applying for.

Answering Tips:

  • To obtain a professional certification, you want to be a specialist in your area (benefits the company)
  • Make sure all goals are suitable to the job you are currently applying for.

Researching and knowing the answers to possible interview questions prior to the interview is going to give you a massive boost of confidence. You will not only feel more powerful you’ll be more at ease and less anxious.


Do you realize there is a proven strategy for responding to all typical interview questions? Check out http://behaviouralinterviewquestions.netto find out more.

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5 Tips for Leveraging Social Networks in Your TEFL Job Search

You know what they say – “It’s who you know, not what you know“. While I’m not so sure the second half of the statement is true these days, the first half of the statement is definitely true. Your network of friends, family and acquaintances is by far your single largest asset. While many people worry that “leveraging your network” means you will need to “cold call” your friends and relatives and ask them to help you get a new job, this is not the case.

The Internet, combined with your Network, makes for a very powerful tool in your job search. Knowing how best to leverage this tool is not always obvious, but if you know what to look for it is quite easy to do. And then, of course, there is your extended network. Before the Internet, it was difficult at best to know who was in your extended network. With sites such as LinkedIn, your extended network is immediately known.

    • Build Your Networks to Suit Your Needs: In order for Social Networks to have any benefit in your job search, you need to build them in a way that complements your professional background. Search out former colleagues that you’ve worked with and add them to your network. Don’t limit this to “employees”, also look to add consultants you’ve worked with as well. But wait, don’t stop there. Also add former college classmates and friends to further build out your network.

Search out former colleagues that you’ve worked with and add them to your network.

    • Leverage Social Network Sites: The number one site for networking in your job search is, of course, If you are not already a member, now is the time to join (and it is free). Enter your career profile, skills and add your links. Once you’ve entered the basic information, LinkedIn will help you find additional links. Once your profile is up, you and your experience becomes searchable by others (this is a great way to be “found” by others looking to hire). When you identify a lead, use LinkedIn to see who in your network is either working at your target company or who in your network may be linked to someone who can help you.

People stay connected to former schools so the depth of experience and connections in your alumni association is likely to be large and deep.

  • Leverage Professional Associations: In case you don’t know, Professional Associations are a type of social network that links members based on expertise or functional experience, such as accounting, engineering, etc. There are professional networks for just about everything and most of these will have websites where you can leverage your contacts and make new ones.
  • Leverage Alumni Networks: Your college or university is one of the best resources you have (yes, even after you graduate) and your Alumni association is a powerful tool as you can leverage not only your graduating class, but all of the graduating classes. People stay connected to former schools so the depth of experience and connections in your alumni association is likely to be large and deep.
  • Join Several Networks: There are so many social networks out there, and LinkedIn is not the only site you can leverage in your job search. You will want to be selective and limit the number of social networks you work with as well as the content. Do some research before you join and ask some of your friends as well. You should designate several social networks as your “job search networks” and only post work related information and (generally) no pictures.

Good luck in your search.

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The Do’s and Don’ts When TEFL Job Searching: What you should and shouldn’t do

There is a certain etiquette and level of professionalism that you should maintain when launching a job search. Often times, we make a first impression to a potential employer without even realizing it.

Below are some Do’s and Dont’s to ensure you make the best possible first impression to a potential employer even before attending your first interview:


  • Use a silly or inappropriate email address when applying to job postings. Keep it professional by using an email containing a variant of your name only … no nicknames or avatar names.
  • Post anything on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or any social networking site that speaks of your party animal ways, your bad habits, or your association with those who could shed a bad light on you.
  • Speak negatively of your past employers. Even if you had a negative experience with a past employer, speaking negatively abou that past employer make set alarm bells for a potential employer by indicating to them that you may speak badly of them.
  • Don’t restrict your job search to one method, to one type of job, to one industry. The wider your job search, the more opportunities you will have to showcase your qualifications and transferable skills.


  • Network by informing your family, friends, ex-colleagues that you are job searching.
  • Keep your job search from your current boss and any coworkers who may not have your best interest at heart.
  • Update your resume with your latest accomplishments, courses you may have taken, awards you may have received, business books you may have read, training you may have attended. etc.
  • Update your outgoing voicemail – make sure it sounds professional with no distracting noise in the background.
  • Update your Linkedin profile.
  • Especially if you’re conducting your job search while unemployed, volunteer your time and expertise. This will allow you to demonstrate to potential employers that you are proactive and are able to find ways to keep your skills sharp and current. This may also have the potential to lead to a paying job.
  • Find a mentor who can help advise you on your career path and job searching strategies.
  • Create your own personal business card and distribute it. Your own personal business card can act as a mini resume by listing your key credentials and contact information.
  • Check your email and voicemail messages multiple times daily for potential response from hiring companies: once mid day and once towards the evening.
  • Return phone calls and email messages from hiring companies within 24 hours. This shows that you are punctual and serious in your job search.

For more career tips and employment articles, visit

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DELTA to be recognized as equal to a Master’s degree

good news for all those of you who can’t afford to do an MA.

Ofqual, the exams regulator of the UK government, has confirmed that Cambridge ESOL’s Delta qualification for teachers is at the same level as a Master’s degree or a professional diploma in the European Union. This is a result of Delta being placed at level 7 of the UK government’s Qualification and Credit Framework (QCF), making it the only English language teaching diploma currently included at this level.

Welcoming this new recognition, Cambridge ESOL’s Chief Executive Dr Mike Milanovic says: “Teachers holding this qualification demonstrate a very high level of expertise indeed and we’re delighted by this acknowledgment from Ofqual. This reflects the quality standards associated with the Delta qualification which is great news for teachers and the millions of students around the world learning English.”

Delta is a qualification aimed at those wanting to teach non-native English speakers and can be taken at any stage of a teacher’s career.

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