Accredited TEFL Courses

By Ajay Shringi

Lots of prestigious academic institutions organize accredited TEFL courses as part of their extensive English teaching programs. These programs are geared towards coping with the international demand for people equipped to teach the most widely spoken language in the world.

For an English speaker with an academic degree, going into teaching would be a good career opportunity particularly if we consider the large number of people who need to relocate every year in distant corners of the world and the rate of globalization that is taking place in the world.

Thus, accredited TEFL courses give you the chance to start a new life and a new career somewhere away from home, or even just a new adventure. You can experience different lifestyles and cultures as you travel. One of the greatest benefits is that your value and remuneration goes up with experience. So, you can earn while you travel around the world!

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What are accredited TEFL courses?

The abbreviation as such comes from the longer name of “Teaching English as a Foreign Language�, and it mainly refers to a group of teaching programs that are recognized or accredited in the international community.

Thus, anyone who has a recognized TEFL certificate can teach English anywhere in the world. However, only teachers with a TEFL diploma can get involved in senior teaching programs since the level of knowledge and experience is a lot higher and definitely more demanding under the circumstances.

Interested in Accredited TEFL Courses?

Well, it is good to have a look online and see what institutions organize them, what costs they involve and whether they allow both distance and onsite learning.

While the online variant is more comfortable and less costly, the onsite opportunity is superior in terms of direct teaching experience. The problem with onsite courses is that there are a maximum number of candidates or trainees that can be taken per session, whereas the online program has no such limitations.

In some institutions, there are combined courses too, where you can use their online program for learning theoretical part of the course, but can go to the training center to learn classroom practice.

Overall, accredited online TEFL courses have a six-month maximum completion period. Onsite courses last four weeks. Most online English courses take applications from those who have a basic educational qualification, are fluent in the English language or have life experience. In some institutions, importance is also given to work experience.

Before joining such a program, it is good to keep in mind the fact that such classes are highly intensive and that you will have to commit one hundred percent to the learning process to become an effective language teacher.

At the end of the course, you’ll have to pass an exam in order to receive your certification or diploma. Try to stick to a high learning rhythm in order to be effective and to make the best of the experience.

About the Author

The author represents, which offers internationally accredited TEFL courses.


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