Police pay £900 per day for translation

Posted on November 29, 2008
Filed Under Alternative careers, Discussion |

Good news for any of you who’ve spent some time abroad as a poor and destitute TEFL, only to make the move back to Britain to find yourself even poorer and more destitute. If you managed to pick up the local lingo to a decent level of proficiency, why not offer your services to the local constabulary, who are currently forking out a fortune in translation services, if this BBC story is to be believed.

Lincolnshire Police force has been spending more than £300,000 a year on translation services covering 49 different languages. The force must provide translation services to anyone arrested or questioned who either cannot speak or needs helping understanding English. Some of the languages services offered include Bulgarian and Vietnamese. Translations have cost the force more than £190,000 since April this year - an average of £900 a day. The force spent a total of £317,421 between April 2007 and 2008.’

So, all those of you panicking about being out on the streets should you ever return to Britain, get out of the bar next to the language school and start mixing with the locals, it could pay off big time.

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