The ELT World guide to teaching English
Sunday September 2nd 2012

‘methodology’ Archives

What is CLIL and how should we approach it?

What is CLIL and how should we approach it?

If we were to ask the question ‘What is subject teaching?’ or ‘What is language teaching?’ we would probably be expecting a detailed answer. But CLIL has been bold enough to encapsulate itself within an acronym, implying that it is an approach, a philosophy – an educational paradigm with frontiers that can be defined. CLIL is an [...]

Teaching mixed ability classes

Teaching mixed ability classes

Most, if not all, language classes contain students of mixed abilities. This happens for a number of reasons, but mainly because of different learning styles, different learning speeds, variations in motivation and, very frequently, as a result of logistic decisions. Very often the teacher is faced with a class with two or more distinct levels of [...]

‘Suggestopedia’ for dummies

‘Suggestopedia’ for dummies

Often considered to be the oddest of the so-called humanistic approaches, suggestopedia was originally developed in the 1970s by the Bulgarian educator Georgi Lozanov. Extravagant claims were initially made for the approach with Lozanov himself declaring that memorization in learning through suggestopedia would be accelerated by up to 25 times [...]

The ‘Silent Way’ for Dummies

The ‘Silent Way’ for Dummies

There are three basic tenets of this approach; that learning is facilitated if the learner discovers rather than remembers or repeats; that learning is aided by material objects; and that problem-solving is fundamental to learning. The Silent Way started off in the early 1970s and was the innovation of the late Caleb Gattegno. The use [...]

Teaching Children Grammar Through Games

Teaching Children Grammar Through Games

An article by Shelley Vernon If you don’t want your class to glaze over with dictation, writing exercises and “Jimmy, would you please read paragraph 1,” then take heart! You’ll find you can teach everything you want with games, and the children remember it better to boot. Here is a disarmingly simple game, which can be used for many [...]

Dogme for Dummies

Dogme for Dummies

One topic that's causing some heated debate over on the teacher training forum is the methodology of Dogme. This has been a topic that's divided people since it was first mentioned by Scott Thornbury in the 1990s. Many, myself included, question the practicability of a teaching style based entirely on spontaneity. As nice as it may sound [...]

PPP for Dummies

The PPP Approach to Communicative Language TeachingPPP (or the '3Ps') stands for Presentation, Practice and Production - a common approach and commonly taught on 4-week courses approach to communicative language teaching that works through the progression of three sequenced stages. PRESENTATION Presentation represents the introduction [...]

Task-Based Learning for Dummies

Task-Based Learning: A Review Written by Bilgen TOSUN 1. HISTORICAL POSITION OF TASK-BASED LEARNING As Willis(1996) suggests before eighties the P.P.P. model of language teaching is the traditional way of learning- teaching activity. It is based on presentation before practice and in the end of this activity the outcome [...]