Finding A TEFL Accreditation Body

If you are looking for accreditation in TEFL or teaching English as a foreign language, there is no one all-powerful TEFL accreditation body to which you can turn. Accreditation for TEFL can actually come through several different means.

When it comes to seeking out accreditation, a person or institution that is looking for that accreditation needs to do a little bit of research into what body might suit them best for accreditation. It is also imperative to remember that just because a TEFL organisation offers membership, that does not necessarily mean that organisation has accreditation ability.

If you as a person or an institution are looking for accreditation, it is important to explore the different options available and see what might work best for you or your institution.

Doing research is all a part of finding the right TEFL accreditation body that meets your expectations. Doing a quick search of such accrediting bodies in the U.K. may bring up several different names. Each of these bodies may have slightly different requirements as far as granting accreditation is concerned. If you as a person or an institution are looking for accreditation, it is important to explore the different options available and see what might work best for you or your institution. One TEFL accreditation body might not necessarily meet the exact needs for every TEFL course or program.

As an individual seeking TEFL certification, it can be very important and beneficial to seek out those courses that provide accreditation. Accredited courses may benefit you later on when you seek employment. Accreditation means that a certain course or program has met certain standards as far as teaching and training its students. Being able to out on your CV that you attended an accredited program could make you competitive for the teaching position that you end up seeking.

As mentioned above, seeking accreditation as an institution also means that your program has met minimum standards and requirements. Gaining accreditation could almost be seen as a badge of honor or achievement, that your program produces quality teachers ready to teach English to students all over the world. Students or teachers serious about gaining quality training to teach English abroad will quite likely seek out programs that have achieved accreditation.

Gaining accreditation can speak volumes about a TEFL program’s standards while using few words.

Finding a TEFL accreditation body that meets your needs could be important to the future of your institution, students, and TEFL program. It is important to research the different accrediting bodies as they may have slightly different criteria for obtaining accreditation through them. Gaining accreditation can speak volumes about a TEFL program’s standards while using few words. For TEFL programs seeking validation about the standards of its courses and students serious about a career in TEFL, seeking out accreditation can be a very good idea.

7 reasons why you have no chance of learning another language

We have a snowball’s chance in hell of learning another language, particularly inside the language classroom, if the TEFL Cynic is to be believed:

Not particularly well-kept secret of TEFL #14,793: Languages cannot be taught, they can only be learned. Whatever you do, don’t tell the punters it’s them who have to put in the work or we’ll all be out of a job.

This is just one of several reasons given by the cynic as to why we’re all wasting our time in this profession. The Cynic is the first independent blogger to start a new blog on ELT World, and promises to offer a somewhat alternative view of the noble profession. If you2re interested in starting a blog on ELT World, let me know.
