The TEFL Times » advice and information for TEFL teachers /times The only online TEFL newspaper Mon, 21 Jun 2010 10:14:18 +0000 en hourly 1 3 easy steps to becoming a TEFL teacher /times/2010/04/3-easy-steps-to-becoming-a-tefl-teacher/ /times/2010/04/3-easy-steps-to-becoming-a-tefl-teacher/#comments Thu, 22 Apr 2010 13:13:21 +0000 david /times/?p=716

You may have heard a little rumour that, as a fluent English speaker, you can magically get paid to teach English in amazing places all over the world. It sounds a bit too good to be true, but in fact, Emma Foers suggests, it’s not! Teaching English abroad is as simple as 1, 2, 3…

Step 1: Get TEFL Certified

Without a TEFL course behind you, you’ll struggle to get out of the starting blocks. A TEFL course will give you a great grounding in the basics of TEFL theory, and give you a good idea as to how to put those principles into practice. More importantly, a TEFL course is usually a pre-requisite for the better TEFL jobs – without one you could struggle to find that dream job.

There are loads of different course options, from 20 hour classroom courses, jam-packed with fun activities, to comprehensive 140 hour courses, which mix top-notch online learning with practical experience.

Remember, the more hours of TEFL training you do, the better chance you’ve got of landing the best TEFL jobs!

Step 2: Research, Research, Research

So, you’ve got your shiny new TEFL certificate in hand, but before you rush off to apply for lots of TEFL jobs, it’s worth doing a little bit of research. Log-on to TEFL communities like TEFL Chalkboard to chat to people who are already EFL teachers, to work out whether you’re best off heading abroad to teach, or whether you’re better off teaching English at home.

It’s also worth researching different visa and job requirements at this stage to make sure you don’t set your heart on a country you’re not actually able to teach in.

Step 3: Find Your TEFL Job

So you’ve worked out where you want to teach – the last step is just applying for that all-important TEFL job. Here are a few different routes to consider:

1) Do a supported internship

Teaching internships are a great way to go if you’ve never taught abroad before and want that extra little bit of support to help get you started. You’ll usually get living allowances and free accommodation, plus someone on hand 24/7 in case anything goes wrong! Learn more here.

2) Use an agency or TEFL job placement service

If you picked your TEFL course provider wisely, they may have a job placement service which will help you find work abroad. Alternatively, search online for TEFL job agencies – just be warned that when using an agency you may not get as good a deal in terms of salary and working conditions as you would if you’d applied direct.

3) Apply for work independently

This may take a little more leg-work, but you’ll ultimately have more control about where you end up and your job conditions. There are plenty of sites online, such as and, where you can find TEFL jobs advertised, or if you’re already in-country check out local English-language newspapers and magazines.

And that’s it! What step are you on this minute?

About the Author

Emma believes teaching English abroad is the perfect opportunity for any English speaker to explore the world. As long as you’re a fluent English speaker, she suggests a TEFL course is your ticket to the journey of your life.

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Why People TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) /times/2010/01/why-people-tefl-teach-english-as-a-foreign-language/ /times/2010/01/why-people-tefl-teach-english-as-a-foreign-language/#comments Tue, 12 Jan 2010 11:42:32 +0000 david /times/?p=695

Ever wondered why we do it? Find out now in this article by Bruce Haxton.

TEFL, on paper, is perfect: an exciting career, a chance to see the world, a life full of fresh faces, opportunities and experiences. But, in reality, life at home holds people back: jobs, cars, family, friends, house, age, personal circumstances… so what is it exactly that makes people put all that on hold, get TEFL certified and jet off into the sunset? We asked some of our TEFL graduates what made them take the plunge…

1. To fund travel

It’s a happy coincidence that the countries with the highest demand for EFL teachers (China, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Ecuador to name a few) are some of the best places in the world to visit. TEFL means you can travel without having to save up a small fortune before leaving, and you get the added bonus of experiencing more of a country than you would as a tourist.

Alice McBrearty, 26, from Aberdeen, said: “I made the biggest decision of my life on a cold, dark February morning; stuck in the library doing an essay for the third year of my degree, I decided that instead of returning to university after the summer to do an Honours year, I would go on an adventure!

“Yet with only part of my student loan left, I had little more than enough money to cover a return flight. Then I discovered that the high demand for English teachers in Thailand often encourages backpackers to teach while, during or after they travel”

Alice spent six months combining teaching with seeing Thailand’s highlights and says teaching English “is a great opportunity to work and save money while getting to know the country and its people from the inside, as a worker and not simply a tourist.”

2. To escape a dead-end job

According to research by VSO (Volunteer Services Overseas), a massive 40% of British workers feel like they’re stagnating professionally. During a recession it’s easy to think that you’re lucky to have any job, even if you hate it, but you’re wrong to think that there aren’t any opportunities out there. With around 20,000 vacancies posted online every month, TEFL is the perfect escape route for anyone who spends their days staring out of the window at work wishing they were somewhere else!

Robert Clarke, 22, said: “I had become bored with working in an office in central London, getting up every morning to go to a dead-end job. I wanted to travel and see the world! What better way than get paid at the same time as seeing Asia!”

Robert’s now teaching 8-16 year olds near Jakarta in Indonesia and describes living there as “fantastic”!

3. To take on new challenges

If you’re after a challenge to take you out of your comfort zone, it doesn’t get much hairier than flying half way around the world to stand in front of a class of rowdy students! And by taking on and overcoming a massive challenge abroad you’ll find everything at home afterwards feels like a doddle!

Kathleen Kane, 46, from Glasgow, said: “I decided to do the China Internship because I got to the time of my life when I wanted to try something new and do something out of my comfort zone. This program seemed to give me the challenge I needed.”

Kathleen is now teaching teenagers and young adults at a school in Inner Mongolia on i-to-i’s Teach in China Internship.

4. To get out of the rat race

Stressed? Join the 442,00 other people in Britain who suffer from serious work-related stress. There is another way though – TEFL is as far from the rat race as you can get, with every day throwing up new opportunities, faces and challenges.

Nazia Anwar, 26, from Lancashire, said: “I hate repetition and mundane stuff and that described my job. I had strains in my personal life too and was ready to break away and travel. I just had to find a way to pay for it.”

Nazia headed out to teach English at a private language school in Turkey. Speaking about the benefits of TEFL, she said “I’ve always been independent but to achieve this has given me a different kind of confidence.”

5. To improve career chances

Teaching English abroad is not only a fantastic opportunity to see the world, it can also help you to find work once you get home too. After a stint teaching English abroad you’ll be able to wow prospective employers with your improved interpersonal, leadership and communication skills!

Jozanda Parkinson, 26, from Preston, said: “I was a primary school teacher in my first year of teaching and was finding it difficult to find another job for when my training year finished. I wanted to work abroad, having worked for a children’s holiday company for 2 years in France before training to be a teacher. So I knew I enjoyed that, but also wanted to do something that would help me in my career.”

Jozanda is now teaching 6-7 year olds in Shanghai on our Teach in China Internship. As well as getting a change of scenery, Jozanda thinks her experience will stand her in good stead for the future: “I think teaching in China has given me valuable tools which I can use when I come back to teach in the UK, as well as valuable life-skills adjusting to life in a non-western country!”

6. To make a dream a reality

Sometimes you spend your whole life thinking you should be somewhere else, but fate (not to mention money, family, friends, jobs, houses etc) seems to hold you back. If you’ve always wanted to travel, or teach or both, don’t let life hold you back – take a deep breath and go for it!

Alice Pepper, from Kent, said: “I’ve always wanted to teach English abroad and in everything that I’ve done at the back of my mind I’ve always thought I should be somewhere else, teaching. When I got the email from i-to-i regarding the China internship I just knew I had to apply. It seemed so perfect for me, especially as I don’t have a degree, to learn and teach and get a lot of experience. I knew I needed to do this, instead of dreaming of doing it. That was my motivation, to make it real.”

Alice is going to be heading out to China in February on the second round of Teach in China Internships, where she’ll earn £1,300 while racking up 300 hours of teaching experience. She hopes “I can prove to myself that I am able to do this, and that I can make a difference. To learn to live in another culture and be able to adapt mine.”

Want to join them?

It’s easier (and cheaper) than most people think to get TEFL certified and teach English abroad. For details on how to get there, you could visit

About the Author

I’m totally passionate about travel, it’s been my life and work for a good few years! I would like to share my many experiences and offer a little advice if I can to fellow travellers or anyone who is just about to set off on a life-changing trip!

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Getting Started in TEFL: Finding your First TEFL Job /times/2009/10/first-tefl-job/ /times/2009/10/first-tefl-job/#comments Sat, 17 Oct 2009 06:31:01 +0000 david /times/?p=39

By Keith Taylor

Probably the most common way to find a TEFL job is through one of the many TEFL employment websites. For jobs abroad, the process normally goes something like this:

1 The application

When you find a job which you like the look of, you’ll need to send your CV. You should emphasise points which are relevant to the position you are applying for – your TEFL qualification, and any relevant skills and experience, should feature strongly. Too many CVs cram all this into a couple of lines, and then list two pages of technical expertise developed during five years as a Software Engineer. Instead, briefly highlight a couple of skills that you developed in that job that could be relevant to language teaching – maybe you led training workshops which required self-confidence and enthusiasm, or worked on a project abroad for a year which meant adapting to a new culture.

If the school is interested, they will contact you to arrange an interview (possibly by telephone), usually with the School’s Director of Studies, or in larger schools, a Recruitment Coordinator.

2 The interview

The interview can last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour or more (possibly influenced by the school’s budget for long-distance calls!) You will normally be asked the types of questions you would expect in any job interview, about your qualifications, experience, strengths and weaknesses, and so on. If the job is in a culture significantly different to your own, you may be asked why you are interested in that particular country, and how you would cope with the types of cultural differences you could expect to face.

Some interviewers ask teaching or grammar questions. “How would you introduce the past simple tense to a group of 12 adults?” for example, or “How would you explain the word ‘proud’?” These are difficult to prepare for specifically, but this is where your training course will come in!

The interviewer should give you an opportunity to ask any questions you have about the school, the city, the salary and so on. This is a good point to ask if you can talk to/email a current teacher. Teachers working at the school are a good source of what it’s really like. What are the working conditions like? The teaching resources? The nightlife? The boss? The accommodation? Do you get paid on time? Is there internet at the school? And so on. Make sure you are clear about things which are important to you. If the school works on Saturdays and you want your weekends free, for example, it’s best to find out at this stage!

3 The contract

All going well, the school will offer you a contract. A typical contract is for one year, renewable thereafter. Read this very carefully and don’t be afraid to ask if anything is not clear. A reputable employer will appreciate the fact that moving to another country to live and work is a big step (if you are dealing with the Director of Studies, he/she was in the same boat once) and should be forthcoming with help.

There is no set format for a contract, but it should at least be clear about several important points:

- Working days and hours, including the number of contact teaching hours – between 20 and 25 a week is normal.

- Holidays – how many days? Are they fixed?

- Probationary period – if so, how long?

- Start and end dates of the contract

- Salary, overtime and any bonus – when is it paid, and how?

For jobs outside the EU and North America, many schools offer return airfare as part of the deal, often paid on successful completion of the contract. Some offer free accommodation, others provide it but not for free. All should at the very least provide help with finding it. Schools should also sort out paperwork and legalities for you, or tell you exactly what you need to do.

In the EU and North America, things are often very different. You will more likely be expected to sort yourself out in terms of getting there, finding accommodation and sorting out paperwork. A job is often very much just that – a job, without such a network of support.

Other means of recruitment

Many schools, especially in some EU countries, use other means of recruitment, including TEFL recruitment agencies, newspapers and local expat magazines, and just relying on people to contact them directly or walk in off the street in search of work.

Some teachers choose to travel to the country where they want to work first, and look for work when they arrive. There are some pros and cons to this approach. On the plus side, some schools are more likely to hire you if they have met you face to face, and you are already established in a place. But the risk is spending a lot of time and money with no guarantee of finding a job, particularly if you are newly qualified and the majority of schools in that country require several years of experience.

If you choose this route then, get to know the typical requirements of schools first by looking at job adverts, or contact some schools directly before you go.

Things to look out for

The great majority of schools are reputable businesses and, except for the inevitable mishaps and inconveniences (broken photocopiers, cultural misunderstandings!) most contracts go without a hitch. But of course, as in any profession, there are some disreputable schools who seek to take advantage of unsuspecting teachers. So, make sure you research a school as thoroughly as you can. Get as much information from the school, other teachers, TEFL websites and forums that you need to feel comfortable in making a decision.

Here are a few things to look out for with every job that you apply for:

- Are they offering you a job without speaking to you first?

- Are they unprepared to put you in contact with current teachers?

- Are they expecting you to accept a job without seeing a contract?

- Are they asking you to send them money?

All going well, you’ve survived the interview and accepted your first job in a country where you’ve dreamed of living since embarking on your TEFL career. So now it’s time to get on the plane, meet your new colleagues, and start your new life!

About the Author

Keith Taylor runs, providing free resources, advice and information for TEFL teachers. He also runs the language exchange,

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