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9 Ways to Increase Teacher Collaboration

So, you want to increase the teacher collaboration in your school but you are struggling with the ideas to motivate your teachers so that they can participate actively in progress of your organization? Well, you have come to the right place, suggests Steve Sinclair.

There are 9 simple and easy ways that can be used to increase collaboration. If you can apply only a few of these rules in your school then you can easily increase the happiness and productivity of your teaching staff.

If you can apply only a few of these rules in your school then you can easily increase the happiness and productivity of your teaching staff.

Offer incentives:

Everybody loves to be rewarded. If you have a number of teachers in your school and you want all of them to play a significant role in the progress of your company, then you should offer random incentives for them. If you find that any of your teachers are working in a particularly good way, then you can announce an incentive for them randomly. This will not only motivate that teacher to work more effectively, but all others will also want to develop their teaching to get that incentive next time.

Giveaway bonuses:

You should have a bonus policy in your school. You can set different goals for different departments and offer bonuses. If a teacher reaches his target of a number of reenrollments, then he should get a bonus along with his salary at the end of the month. This will also create a competitive atmosphere in your school and you will find your teachers looking for ways to work more efficiently and productively. Few schools use this opportunity, which is a shame.

Personal counseling:

It is very important to have a personal contact with your teachers. Different people have different mentalities and you need to understand their mindset in order get the best work out of them. You should fix a day in the month on which you will be consulting with your teachers personally. This will boost their confidence and they will have a beter feeling about working for you.

Start a competition:

It’s human nature that we love competition. Nevertheless, there are many people who run away from competition. However, if you offer a reward at the end of competition for employee collaboration, then all of the teachers will participate in that competition. This healthy activity will help them to concentrate on work with a fresh and open mind.

Provide better work atmosphere:

A better work atmosphere is very important for good teacher collaboration. Make sure your school has all those facilities that are required of a modern workplace and you will find your teachers more motivated towards work.

Use online collaboration software:

There are many online employee collaboration software programs in the market. These software applications allow teachers to remain in touch with each other and share files while sitting at their own computer.

Create a friendly environment:

It’s important to have a Professional atmosphere related to work in an office but you must make sure that your teachers get a good amount of time to spend with each other. You will need to be friendly with your teachers.

Give them access to office accessories:

If you allow your teachers to use school accessories like the coffee maker, photocopier, printer etc. then they will get more confident and will coordinate with you more easily.

A regular monthly meeting is important:
You must call a monthly meeting so that your teachers can raise any issues that they have in their mind. These meetings will let them get the things off their chest and concentrate on work properly.

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