The English Corner

for English teachers in China

Literature Circle Response Cards


Literature Circle Reading Response Cards divide and chunk down the roles, so English Language Learners (ELL) can participate in Literature Circles in an authentic and meaningful way.

Literature Circles can be overwhelming even for native language speakers, but there is a way to get ESL students interacting with the text without having them freeze up in a panic.

Literature Circle reading response cards chunk down the roles in to manageable bite size pieces. I wish I could take credit for this one, but I happened to stumble upon it while browsing through the website.

While some of these TPT free worksheets may not be exactly broken down into chunk sized pieces, you can be the judge as to their usefulness in your classroom adapt them to meet your student’s needs.

Literature Circle Jobs

Non-Fiction Reading Response Cards

Guided Reading Prompt Cards


Author: Mary

Mary is a certified teacher in Florida and Ohio. She is certified in elementary education, art, reading and ESOL. The mission of this blog is to make your life as an ESL teacher a little easier. Sometimes text books can be nonexistent, boring or filled with errors, so it may be necessary to supplement your lessons. Mary's hope is that this blog will be viewed as a valuable resource in the EFL/ESL community.

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