Vocabulary Director & Word Detective Literature Circle Response Cards

Literature Circle response cards help students focus in on their task without overwhelming them.

I cruised through my little stash of literature circle resources and decided to condense them into a mini version of some of my favorite literature circle worksheets.

It’s a work in progress…

Vocabulary Director and Word Detective Response Cards - This page contains two vocabulary cards.

The first one is for the Vocabulary Director job. The instructions are below.

While you’re reading, write down at least four words that are new to you. Write down the page number, the paragraph and line you found it on. Write the word and the definition that best fits the sentence. Record the information in the space provided on the cart below. Your next task is to come up with a presentation plan. How will you present it to your group? Will you challenge your group mates to a race to see who will find the word first? Be creative!

The second one is for the Word Detective. The instructions are below.

While you’re reading, write down at least four words that are new to you. Write down the word and the word origin.  Does the word contain any Greek or Latin root words? What is the meaning of the root word? Find the definition that best fits the sentence. Record the information in the space provided on the chart below.


Literature Circle Response Cards

Literature Circle Reading Response Cards divide and chunk down the roles, so English Language Learners (ELL) can participate in Literature Circles in an authentic and meaningful way.

Literature Circles can be overwhelming even for native language speakers, but there is a way to get ESL students interacting with the text without having them freeze up in a panic.

Literature Circle reading response cards chunk down the roles in to manageable bite size pieces. I wish I could take credit for this one, but I happened to stumble upon it while browsing through the teacherspayteachers.com website.

While some of these TPT free worksheets may not be exactly broken down into chunk sized pieces, you can be the judge as to their usefulness in your classroom adapt them to meet your student’s needs.

Literature Circle Jobs

Non-Fiction Reading Response Cards

Guided Reading Prompt Cards


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